Cure Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is said to be the greatest source of anguish for men across the United States. It affects a large number of men—about 50%—every year.


male pattern baldness cartoon

One of the questions that men always want answered is if it is possible to stop male pattern baldness. While there is great research constantly being conducted on baldness in general, there is yet a total cure available to totally stop baldness.

There are measurable steps you can take to potentially stop the balding process, however. If you have noticed lately that your hair seems to be a bit thinner than it once was, you can start taking steps towards slowing down the balding process, if not stopping it altogether.

First, kick up the protein in your diet. If you aren’t getting very much protein, you should definitely try to eat more foods that are rich in protein. It is important that you consume about a gram of protein per pound of your body weight. So if you weigh 200 pounds, you should try to eat about 200 grams of protein each day.

Second, drink plenty of water. Even though you probably read or hear this quite a bit, it is so important to good health. Your body needs water to maintain proper health. Water is helpful in flushing out bad toxins from your body that can slow down the growth of your hair.

Finally, try using a baldness treatment in addition to cleaning up your diet. If you would prefer using a baldness solution that is medicated, see a dermatologist. He can offer you tried and true advice and suggestions about how to take better care of your hair. He can also probably provide you with a prescribed medication to help stop your hair from falling out more.

There are also treatments that can be used to help give your scalp and hair a boost and promote regrowth of your hair again. As always, be sure to ask your doctor about any products before using them. One that you can try is Procerin. It seems to work for most men

Ask Dr Phil How Do I Reverse Male Pattern Baldness?

How did Dr. Phil become associated with dieting and weight loss? One day he is giving advice on how to deal with unruly children, then the next day he produces several best selling weight loss books. What gives?

Looking at Dr. Phil, I don’t exactly see a muscular or even fit man. Don’t get me wrong, Dr. Phil is nice and all that, but he is not exactly fit. Yet people flock to buy his book. He must give really good advice on how to lose weight. So I figure that if a chubby man can dish out and sell advice on dieting and weight loss, he can surely give advice on how to regrow hair. Because that’s another glaring thing to me about Dr. Phil — he is bald, bald, bald.

So should a bald man ask another bald man how to reverse male pattern baldness? I don’t see why not. Why not ask Dr. Phil how to reverse baldness.

Dr Phil Cartoon

With so many men and women experiencing baldness every single day, it is no wonder that so many people are searching for a way to reverse baldness. In reality, baldness is something that is just a fact of life for many people. Every day you lose hundreds of hairs. But for some, this hair loss is exasperated and baldness occurs.

In June of 2007, Science Daily reported that male pattern baldness, which affects about half of men by the age of 50, could soon become a treatable condition. A study conducted, using identical twins, showed that the medication used not only stopped the hair loss, but actually improved their hair growth. Furthermore, the rate of hair growth increased between the 6- and 12-month evaluations.

This type of study and research shows great promise for the future of baldness. Is it possible that we will one day have medicines available that can stop balding altogether, as well as promote hair growth? Maybe so.

BBC News reported in March 2004 that scientists believed they may have discovered a new way to reverse baldness. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania had identified stem cells in the hair follicles of mice. Furthermore, they discovered that those cells grow into hair follicles and produce hair when transplanted into skin.

What do all these findings mean? We know that we are on track to discover new methods of treating and possibly reversing baldness. How long this will take or when it will be made available for public use is unknown. It is possible that finding a way to reverse baldness might never happen.

In any case, if you are bald and you are not happy with your condition, there are significant changes you can make to feel better. Products like hair pieces and treatment for baldness can help you feel better about the way you look. Hair transplant may also be a viable option for you.

UFO Pictures of Aliens Needing Hair Loss Treatment

Have you spotted them lately? You know, UFOs?

I haven’t seen a flying saucer myself, but I have seen plenty of pictures. Tell you what, pictures of spaceships don’t get me too excited. What turns me on are pictures of space aliens. You know, little bald men. At least I think they’re men. It’s hard to tell because they have bald heads.

bald head alien

Which leads me to my point, these UFO pilots need to get some hair on their heads. You’d think with all their technology, they’d come up with some decent hair loss treatment. Go figure. Instead all the pictures that I’ve seen are like these:

bald head alien 2 bald head alien 3ET

I don’t know about how baldness is treated from where they came from, but here on Earth, here’s my take on a cure for male pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness occurs in about half of the male population by the time they are fifty years old. Most of the male pattern baldness is said to happen because of the man’s genetic makeup.

There are quite a many different treatments available to treat male pattern baldness today. With the baldness treatment industry coming in at a billion dollars per year, there is surely some form of treatment that can be accounted for as a good one.

We can begin the search for a male pattern baldness cure by taking a look at some of the medications that are available. The first thing you can do when you set out for a cure for your baldness problem is to scour the shelves at your local pharmacy. You will most likely find a ton of baldness products right there on the shelves.

If you aren’t able to find any such products, ask your pharmacist to recommend a product, or perhaps even a different store to visit where you can find them. More often than not your pharmacist alone is a terrific resource for finding more items that might not be available locally.

Examples of items you might find on the shelf include things like medicated shampoos and scalp treatments. These types of treatments do not offer a fool-proof cure. They do, however, provide a method of treatment that has the potential to slow down your hair loss.

In addition to these over the counter treatments, if you make an appointment with a doctor about your hair loss, he will most likely suggest a prescription strength treatment to help you out. These kinds of treatments do have some side effects.

Another very common thing that many choose as their method of a baldness “cure” is a hair transplant. This is usually used as a last alternative if no other treatment works to provide a reasonably desired result. A hair transplant is a procedure in which healthy, strong hair is removed from an inconspicuous spot on the scalp and then transferred to the area where the hair is thinning.

There you have it. Now doesn’t this look better?

alien with hair regrowth