Hair Transplantation

Tips On How To Grow Your Hair Naturally

If you’ve ever caught one of those infomercials on at 3a.m. then you’ve probably seen the many hair treatment options people push for profit out there. Do they really work? Before you hand over the combination to the safe, make sure you read these helpful, informative tips on hair loss.

Avoid wearing certain hair styles. Often times, when you wear your hair pulled back in a ponytail this can cause hair loss. If you choose to wear your hair like this you should make sure you don’t pull it too tight. Other styles, like cornrows and braids, can cause hair loss, too.

Start drinking daily protein shakes. Hair loss can be caused by a protein deficiency and many people notice an increase in the rate at which their hair grows when they start increasing their daily intake of protein. Protein shakes are an easy way to ensure that you get a daily protein hit as they don’t require any cooking.

To avoid vitamin-related hair loss, don’t take huge amounts of vitamin A. Vitamin A is good for you, but taken in extreme amounts, it can cause hair loss and can even be fatal to some people. Luckily, it’s simple to avoid taking massive doses of vitamin A so this type of hair loss is easily corrected.

Lack of iron in your system can bring about hair loss. Iron is an essential nutrient for your hair and increasing your intake can slow the loss of hair. Green vegetables carry lots of iron and, though it may be hard for some to do, taking a couple of teaspoons full of black strap molasses can increase your iron intake. If the taste is not for you consider mixing it in your coffee.

Use emu oil on your hair and scalp. Even though this isn’t a well known method to treat and prevent hair loss, it is a method that is used. Simply rub this oil on your hair and scalp before bed at night. This is great because it won’t clog your pores.

To fight genetic male pattern baldness, take supplements. Male pattern baldness is thought by some to be caused by an interaction of testosterone and the natural oil in your hair — basically, the interaction can reduce blood flow to your scalp. That decreases hair growth and keeps hair from being replaced as fast as it sheds. Supplements like zinc, saw palmetto, gingko biloba and pro-vitamin B5 are thought to prevent this kind of damage.

Try to avoid wearing tight hats if you want to prevent hair loss. A hat is constantly pulling on your hair which can cause roots to grow too close to the surface of the skin on your scalp. In turn, this is what can cause your hair to fall out.

Hair Transplantation

Other options may work for you, but hair transplantation is proven to work for almost everyone. This is where doctors take healthy hair from your head and transplant it in the areas in which you’re balding. Look in to hair transplant procedures if you want a proven, permanent result. This is an expensive procedure; be very wary of anyone who is offering to do the procedure on the cheap.

The truth of the matter is that people will spend a small fortune if they think a product would produce results. That’s why it’s so important you slow down here. You never know when you’re wasting money. Try out the tips you’ve learned here, instead. They’ll work if you employ them correctly.