Britany Spears Bald Is Not Hot Either Way
Seeing Spears bald is definitely not hot. All this time I thought I was looking at a blond celebrity until Britney Spears exposed her black stubbles by shaving herself bald. What a shame, too, because many women dealing with hair loss would kill to have her hair. For Britney Spears to voluntarily go bald is…repulsive.
If you don’t remember when Britney Spears looked good, here is a picture of her with blond hair.
Now check out Britney Spears with her head shaved:
Now for a more serious matter, besides the self-inflicted case of Brittany’s female pattern baldness.
The most frequent type of hair loss among women is called female pattern baldness, or female pattern alopecia. For many women, female pattern baldness occurs as some hair is lost, but not total baldness. This usually begins with hair shedding, leading to large amounts of hair loss and eventually some balding over the scalp.
For most women suffering from female pattern baldness, hair loss usually begins as thinning. In most cases, this happens across the front and top and of scalp. This type of baldness is extremely painful and difficult for women to deal with. Lots of women tend to grow their hair out as long as possible so that they can then create hairstyles that cover up their hair loss.
Female pattern baldness does not always bring about total baldness. In most instances, the hair begins to thin and fall out over a period of time. Lots of hair shedding happens. Sometimes this might not even be noticeable to the woman in the beginning. She may think that it’s just normal hair loss. Eventually over time though, the hair thinning will become more apparent as the baldness begins to occur.
For many women experience female pattern baldness, it usually happens after she goes through menopause. The hormonal changes she experiences during menopause brings about many changes in her body; one being female pattern baldness.
Many women choose to use over the counter treatments, like Rogaine, to treat their thinning hair problem. For those whose plight is more serious, usually when the scalp begins to start showing, many women seek medical assistance to solve their balding problem.
In some cases, medical treatment just does not work, for whatever reason. When this happens, those who can afford it usually seek out the help of hair transplant surgeons. This is a time-consuming process and is not an overnight solution. However, it has often been proven to be one of the best ways to get terrific results and bring a woman’s self-esteem back up once the baldness is gone.
Now for Britney Spear’s other bald spot… Oh never mind.
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